
The parent-therapist relationship and parent education is at the heart of this work. You can expect to have a combination of parent meetings and home visits when you work with me. 


Parent meetings will take place over Zoom. These 60 minute sessions offer an opportunity for parent education. We will explore the science behind behaviors and build your capacity to navigate challenges with your child. Parent meetings are tailored to meet your individual family’s needs. They provide a space for you to ask questions, collaborate and problem solve. My goal is to help you build confidence to bring ease and joy to your parenting experience.


OT home visits provide an opportunity for me to work with your child in their natural environment. I offer 60 minute play sessions which include you and your child. We will play, co-regulate, practice strategies and problem solve real time challenges. I will individualize consultation to your family’s needs. You will learn how to accommodate your child’s specific unique differences to create more ease and connection for your family. We will always have fun!